

Numerical peculiarities in the Koran
God Almighty has designed His Book in such a way that no one can produce anything like it, and the Qur'an itself expresses its own brilliance in many verses and proclaims that no book can match it...
The significance of cavalry in Islamic history
Early organized Arab cavalry under the Rashidun caliphate was a light cavalry armed with lance and sword, its main role was to attack the enemy flanks and rear. Armor was relatively light. The Muslims' light cavalry during the later years of Islamic conquest of Levant became the most powerful section of the army...

Travel to Jordan
Jordan, land of prophets and the sahabas! Which prophet did not travel through? How many sahabas became martyr here? It is said that there have been more than 20,000 ...

Health Care in Islam
Nowadays many people are looking for so-called natural medicine which usually refers to medicine which could be an alternative to Western and chemical medicine. The reason for this trend is that the Western medicine could not solve all the important health problems...
40 Ahadith on the Islamic personality
Forty authentic ahadeeth from the fine sayings of the Chosen Prophet (salAllahu 'alaihi wa'sallam) which contain guidance for cultivation of souls, purification of the hearts and refinement of character...